Boyfriend for Christmas: A Love Story Page 5
“Do you mind?” I ask looking at Kai. She’s probably feeling obligated as Boris’ girlfriend is already settled in the seat beside her. Boris introduces his girlfriend to Kai before telling her, “We hung out in high school,” all the while staring at Kai. I clear my throat grabbing his attention.
Kai turns to Leah asking her about herself, between bites of her chicken. I look at Boris with a smirk. He’s been trying to get his eyes on Kai since he found out she was back in town, and now he’s oblivious to the fact that there’s no chance in hell for him. Kai’s here with me, and just met Leah. If Kai had a problem with me dating Shiloh in high school, I can’t imagine she wouldn’t feel some type of way about Boris’ current girlfriend.
“Man, did you take that chick out from the other night?” Not like Kai and I are in a relationship, but now is the worst time for me to introduce the fact that I took Dionna out the other night.
I adjust my collar and contemplate lying to get him to shut the hell up, but instead I’m honest and say, “Yeah we went out.” I look over at Kai who is listening to Leah talk about her latest entrepreneurial adventure. With my hand chopping across my throat I look back at Boris, hoping he’ll get the hint. To shut the fuck up.
He looks at me with his eyes squinted before his mouth opens slightly. He looks between me and Kai before saying, “How’s Shiloh, Kai?” We’ve lived in the same town with Shiloh for years. Boris moved back here after dropping out of college when he injured his knee balling. If he wanted to know how Shiloh was doing he could have likely just asked her, as I’m sure he’s seen her. But naw, his ass is being messy. Cock blocking like a pro.
“She’s good.” Kai looks at me and smiles slightly before continuing, “We were hanging this week.”
By the time Boris and Leah’s food arrives to the table, Kai and I are about finished. As much as I’d like to share banana pudding with her, I’d rather get away from Boris before he ruins the gains I’ve made with Kai. “You ready to get out of here?” I ask her throwing my napkin on my plate. Boris tries to protest but Kai follows my lead. She exchanges numbers with Leah, who insists she be at the next ladies night in with her and Shiloh.
My hand finds the small of Kai’s back as we walk back to the car. Just before coming into the restaurant I had a taste of her lips, but the way she just tensed when my hand met her body, I may have to work my way back up to an interaction with her.
“In a hurry to get home?” I ask her as I pull out of the parking lot. If she’s not interested in kicking it for a while, I could keep straight to her parents’ house.
Kai avoids my question, asking one of her own, “You went out on a date this week?” She stares at the side of my face as I drive, deciding for her that her parents’ house is probably where she wants to be. By the tone in her voice I can only assume she wasn’t too excited about overhearing Boris talk about me taking the girl, Dionna, out the other night.
“I did.” I clear my throat. “After you shot me down, Boris had a grand idea for me to check out the girls in the gym.” I turn my head to catch a glimpse of her face. To see if I can tell how she’s feeling.
“Boris knew we went out the other night, and that I shot you down?” After all these years of having Boris as a wingman I should have learned my lesson. He’s the worst person to try to have on your team. I can tell from Kai’s line of questioning that she’s not any more impressed by his antics now than she was in high school.
Pulling into her neighborhood, I hesitate going to her parents’ house. Maybe there’s still a chance we can pick up on that kiss we started earlier. I explain to her how Boris mentioned knowing she was back in town, but I purposefully kept my interactions with her from him, not wanting to get him excited before there was anything worth talking about. “So him asking about Shiloh wasn’t purposeful?” She turns her chin up. “Or was it?”
No telling what Boris’ intentions were in mentioning Shiloh. He was using every card he had available to openly flirt with her, to interact with her. “Boris hasn’t changed. I’m sure his intent was to try to insert himself wherever he could fit in with you.” Her mouth opens, and I’m sure she’s amazed and maybe even a bit embarrassed, especially since she seemed to make friends with Leah.
She shakes her head. “Guys are too much sometimes.” And by guys, I’m not sure if she’s indirectly, or directly, including me. As much as I’d like to convince her that I’m not like other guys, I can show her better than I can tell her. As I pull into the driveway of her parents’ house I climb out, walking around her side to open her door.
Before walking her to the front door, I stand in front of her and say, “I hope Boris didn’t ruin tonight for you.” Looking down at my hands that can’t seem to find a comfortable resting place, I say, “I’d love a do-over.”
Waiting for her to respond, I watch the worry ease from her face. “We can have a do-over.”
It’s been years since I had my thoughts of dudes ain’t shit. But after tonight, watching Boris openly flirt with me all the while snitching on his homeboy—who was supposed to be checking for me—proved in one fail swoop that maybe they didn’t mature into decent human beings. That dudes still have the capacity to be about the nonsense.
At least Noah asked for a do-over. He gave me another chance after shooting him down initially. This’ll be our third time, if it’s not the charm it’s the indicator that this shit just isn’t going to work.
Conflicted, I call Shiloh to give her an update on my attempt, and failure, at making her ex my new boo. “You did shoot him down, you hurt his ego. You know dudes don’t like to feel rejection. He had to go out and find someone who wasn’t going to reject him,” Shiloh rambles into the phone between fits of laughter. “Do you blame him for going out on a date with another lady?”
“Well, yeah.” If he is supposed to be interested in me, why is he out here checking for someone else? He gave up that fight too easily. Shiloh tells me I’m tripping. “I guess,” I mumble. “He did ask for a do-over, but I’m thinking we are shooting blanks, and should maybe just give up.” She reminds me of the goodness of Noah, and reminds me that if I plan on staying in Baxter for a while, there may not be many more potentials that are as appealing.
“Right, ‘cause Boris interrupted our dinner.” Shy bursts into another fit of laughter. She had a hard time, years ago, trying to persuade me to find something good about him while we were out on our double dates. “You know what? This dude actually flirted with me in front of his girlfriend.”
“Oh, I certainly believe it. He ain’t never been shit.” We laugh about the dates we had with him and Noah. The time we were at the movies and I damn near slapped him for trying to rub his hand too far up my thigh. “I remember Noah damn near wanting to knock his ass out too,” she says.
Looking at the clock on my nightstand, I remind her that we have church in the morning and should get to bed. “When did we turn into mature adults? I would love to go back to those days of yesteryear.” I sigh before we hang up.
First Baptist’s Christmas service is my favorite service of the year. I don’t even know if my church in Virginia had a decent Christmas service because every year since I’ve been away, I’ve made it home for First Baptist’s Christmas service. The singing and the play, and of course Pastor Smith’s sermon, it’s all on point.
This year will be even more special as Reece is playing the part of Mary in the play. She’s excited to hold baby Jesus, played by her favorite baby doll.
Like the old lady I am, I pull out my dress for church hanging it off my closet door. Then I get myself ready for bed. Before calling it a night, my phone dings with a message.
* * *
Noah: Just wanted to tell you that kiss was everything.
* * *
That’s one thing I can agree with, and now it’ll be the last thing on my mind before bed. I send him a kissy emoji before laying my phone on my nightstand and closing my eyes.
Squeezed into th
e pew next to my parents, Eva, and Lawrence’s parents, we sit in awe as we watch Reece make her grand debut as Mary, Jesus’ mother. Okay, maybe not a grand debut, she doesn’t have any lines. But the way she is holding on to baby Jesus, is just, someone should get her on tv soon… that’s what Eva is telling me in my ear as we sit and watch the kids deliver their performance of The Reason. Each year, the youth pastor orchestrates a different perspective on the birth of Jesus.
First Baptist isn’t the largest black church in Baxter, but it’s probably the second. There are a couple hundred people in the congregation, and for Christmas service each member is here. Looking around at the packed pews, I’m willing to guess there are even more than that here today.
Pastor Smith stands behind the pulpit, and delivers a sermon eliciting Amens from many of the church members, my mother joining along. She stands to her feet when he says, “What a great gift we have in Jesus.” He continues listing gifts that would seemingly be the best gift you could receive then concludes, “But none compare to Jesus.”
Our family exchange hugs with Eva’s in-laws. Eva made it a point to invite them to her house for Christmas dinner. I can’t imagine this Christmas, without their son, will be any easier for them than it will be for Eva. I’m glad they have each other.
A soft tap on my shoulder causes me to turn around and be face to face with Noah. He leans against the pew, and although he isn’t dressed like most of the men, in a full suit, his red tie is appropriate for the Christmas service. He nods towards the front of the church, where the props from the play are arranged. “Your niece did a great job as Mary today.”
I nod in agreement. “She did. This was the best play to date.” I’m sure my opinion is biased, but oh well.
“Have you eaten yet?” I did eat, but that banana and granola bar has long digested. Christmas service is heartwarming, but long, super long. One thing I always forget, every year. Service at First Baptist on a regular Sunday is a couple of hours, for Christmas, the combined service is a few hours. I shake my head. “Would you like to join me for brunch?”
I haven’t been to brunch since leaving Virginia. I’m sure the options in Baxter are limited, but I’m willing to give it a try. Before responding I look behind me at my family gathering around Reece, and baby Jesus. Eva was likely eavesdropping because she wriggles her eyebrows and nods towards Noah. “Sure, let’s go,” I tell him when I turn away from Eva.
Noah leads us out of the church and to his car. I ask Noah about his Christmas plans. I know his family is still in the area, if I remember correctly he has just the one brother. “My brother and his family will probably end up at my parents’ house for an early dinner. I’ll probably just sit around the house till it’s time to go over and join them. Maybe sleep in late.” He looks at me and asks, “You?”
Like Noah and his family we’ll have family dinner together, but at my sister’s house. I’ll probably stay over at Eva’s house Christmas Eve so I can help her play Santa by setting up Reece’s gifts. “About the same, except I’ll wake up and watch Reece open gifts.” Kids opening gifts has to be the best part of Christmas morning, next to being a kid and waking up on Christmas morning.
When we pull up to the cafe I ask, “This place serves brunch?” He nods his head. “Like good brunch?” He shrugs his shoulders.
The menu is limited, but it’s full of the classics. And unlimited mimosas. “Unlimited mimosas,” I say with a grin.
“What’s brunch without unlimited mimosas?” Noah asks, getting closer to my heart. “Do you have plans for the rest of this Sunday?” I shake my head as I sip on my first mimosa of the day. “How about a movie?” I nod my head.
If we can make it through this meal without an issue, then a movie cozied up beside him would be nice. “At the theater or your house?” Oh shit. I’m only on mimosa number one of many, and I’m already inviting myself to his house.
“Actually, I’m sure we can find a Christmas movie on Netflix.” He taps his glass with mine. He’s probably as surprised as I am about me inviting myself to his house. While we wait on our order, Noah jokes about our last date with Boris interrupting us.
“You know, it’s almost like he’s still in high school,” I say. Of course, I could return to those days. Days when my biggest worry was what outfit I was wearing to school or staying up late to study for an exam. “How long has he been with Leah?”
He wags his head. “Too long to have been sitting there flirting with you.” I thought it was awkward having Leah sitting beside me witnessing her boyfriend flirting, but Noah mentioning it. Beyond awkward. Boris is the definition of dudes ain’t shit.
I steal a strawberry from Noah’s french toast and slip it into my mouth. I prefer brunch buffets so I can sample both breakfast and lunch entrees. I ordered the shrimp and grits and it’s tasty, enough. “Not bad.” With a fresh mimosa in front of me I add, “This may just make it into my regular rotation.”
After we pay the bill Noah asks, “Ready?” And just like that, the four mimosas I had help me nod my head.
Chapter 7
Maybe it was the mimosas, or maybe it was the do-over, but when Kai offered to go back to my place I was pleasantly surprised. Finding a Christmas movie was easy as my recommendations were full with them since I watched This Christmas the other night. Although, I don’t know if Kai was interested in watching a movie at all. As soon as we sat on the couch, she sat closer than usual. Her hand found its way to my arm.
I tried to play it cool, like her hand on my thigh didn’t faze me. “This one looks decent,” I say, picking some random Christmas movie that’s probably B-rated. Kai mumbles in agreement.
She pulls off her boots and tosses them on the floor beside us. She had already come out of her scarf and jacket when we walked into the apartment. Now her knee is resting on my thigh. Since we went to brunch straight from church, she’s still dressed in her Sunday’s best.
I tug out of my Christmas tie and lay it across the coffee table in front of us. I try to ask her if she needs anything and she hushes me, pretending to watch the movie. Laughing, I move her knee and hand. In the kitchen I grab a couple of glasses of water. I wish I had popcorn, or a snack, ‘cause it seems like something we should have while we watch this movie. Or attempt to watch this movie.
I dance my way back into the living room expecting that Kai is ready for pre-Christmas loving. Except when I return to the living room Kai is stretched out on the couch, eyes closed. I place the water glasses on the coffee table, beside my tie, and squeeze myself back onto the couch. Grabbing the blanket I keep nearby for my own naps, I drape it over her and make myself comfortable beside her.
“Noah, Noah.” I open my eyes and look at Kai sitting up beside me. “We fell asleep,” she says after yawning. I look at my watch to see just how long it’s been since we’ve been sleeping. “Unlimited mimosas, brunch, and just Sundays,” she says with a smile.
“You were sleeping so comfortably I guess I decided to join you.” Past five now, I should be getting ready for my last day of work tomorrow. But now I’m eager to know if Kai intended on making anything out of this trip to my apartment. A nap couldn’t have been her only goal, or was it? “Glad we didn’t pay to fall asleep at a movie theater.”
She laughs then reaches for the glass of water still on the table from earlier. “Hopefully I didn’t mess up the rest of your plans for the day.” I shake my head. Her hand starts drawing circles on my arm.
Leaning into her, my lips find hers and we kiss, causing her circles to cease on my arm. With my hand behind her head I deepen our kiss. She tries to straddle me, but with her dress not leaving much wriggle room she has to hike it up to her waist before she can sit comfortably on my lap. As we adjust, making room for each other, I’m glad she’s here, in my space. Her leggings are warm beneath my hands, but I’d rather be feeling her legs.
Her hands roam my chest, unbuttoning my shirt and pulling it off. She starts to wrestle with my bel
t buckle while I reach around to the back of her dress to figure out how we can be equally unclothed. After unzipping her dress it falls slowly off her shoulders exposing her red bra. I smile before kissing around the lace, her nipples perking up in response. She moans when one is released and I take it into my mouth. Her hips begin to rock back and forth and I’m sure the friction is doing everything for her, but the constraint is killing me. I move my hands, one to each of her hips, slowing her motion.
She stops, and looks at me. “Too much?”
With my mouth still around her nipple, I look up at her and wink. I lift her up and say, “Can we move this to my room?” She nods her head and smiles. I take her hand in mine, stepping over our shoes, and walk us back to my bedroom.
She steps out of her leggings placing them near the base of my bed. I watch her climb onto my bed as I step out of my pants before joining her. Hovering over her body, steadying my weight on my elbows, I look down at her before trailing kisses down her neck.
With my hand between her legs I explore her body, continuing kisses down her chest until my mouth meets my hands. Continuing my exploration, this time with my tongue. Tasting between her legs until I feel her chest rising and I hear her moans escaping. Then I stop. She huffs in response. But I hurry off the bed to grab a condom from my nightstand and return ready to finish what I started.
This time, I lie on the bed and tug at her arm till she’s back in her position, straddling my lap. Without me prohibiting her, she begins to rock her hips guiding me inside her. When I fill her, completely, she rides me.
She bites her lip before she leans forward, her chest rubbing against mine. My hands go up to her curls, but I stop short landing on her shoulders. She smiles through our kisses. I remember how much she’s always hated people ruffling their hands through her hair.